Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wow~ When is my last update huh?! Dead fish's blogggie =D
Finally finished all the assignmnets and presentation, now left management quiz and finals. Yeap..Its time to focus finals!

Attended aunt's bday last last week Joyce came along too=D Those pics which stored in my cammie are gonna rotten..hah.. what to do..was so damn heck busied on doing those assignmnets and presentation and tday onwards i wil be busy on dating wif my books.

Was a bit bored so...

bwehhh retard~

Hahahaha..Its like I were shouting "fck" But I'm not..=D

Gahhhh..Burnley beat Manchester United?!!! WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ?! !!!
Sighh~ Study timeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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