Monday, December 28, 2009

The wedding's eve

Samantha has finally reached 19. And she thinks its time for her to reach her 3rd stage of life which is marriage. There she has organized the wedding's eve buffet dinner and invited us. This incident was my dream and in the real incident it wasn't Samantha yet its her sister. Congratulations MeiLing~

Perhaps she will really married at 19th when she meets the love one.

Headed to Trop City to grab a wedding gift for Samantha's sis since we feel weird if we giv angpau to the bride.

Had some "light food" at Good Taste Cafe

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So sweeeeeet =)

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wEeEeEeEe~ Raymond LOO & KarMan

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With the love birds.. Opss.. I mean with the buddies ..heh

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Chinese wedding stuff

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Heh.. Candid one

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Samantha~ Your hse really awesome

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Beautician Cheryl and I

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The LOO aka Eh Wen

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I got no idea why I laugh til like this =.=

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Merinda AND i =)

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KarMan got caught of cheating.. Heh 

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The boss

Weeeeee~ BedTimeeeeee
Toodles everyone

1 comment:

kArmaNzZzz said...

heheh..darll~so good girl eh ^^
what what what ?? love bird??